At Ontime, our team of Investment Planner under the guidance of a Certified Insurance Planner (CFPCM) would we help you in designing a plan that will help you achieve your investments goals through well designed strategies keeping in mind the following:
  1. Your goals- long term and short term

  2. Your risk appetite

  3. Your asset allocation

  4. Your family profile and background

  5. Macro Economic Environment in the Country

Invest Early, Invest Wisely

The illustration in following table would bring out clearly the difference that it would make to investment fund of a person who had started investing 10 years ago than another person who started investing 10 years later than previous person.

Person A- 25 Years Person B- 35 Years
Monthly Investment 5000 5000
Rate of return 15% p.a. 15 p.a.
Period of Investment (in years)* 30 years

20 years
Total amount at the end of period of investment 354.87 lacs 76.78 lacs

*  assuming your retirement age as 55 years

Thus, you can see that the accumulated investment fund at the start of retirement age for Person A who had started investing Rs.5000/- per month early by 10 years than Person B is
almost 5 times more than that of Person B.

Well, that’s the power of investing early….
See how your investments would grow at difference rates of returns in the following table:

Years 15% p.a. 18% p.a. 20% p.a.
5 4.58 lacs 5.05 lacs 5.30 lacs
10 14.15 lacs 17.11 lacs 19.48 lacs
20 76.78 lacs 118.95 lacs 160.72 lacs
25 166.28 lacs 295.51 lacs 438.45 lacs
30 354.87 lacs 708.85 lacs 1187.23 lacs

We offer several such investment products such as-
  1. Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP)
  2. Mutual Funds –Equity, Mixed & Debt